Monday, April 27, 2015

How many WWII's is the F-35 thus far?

Uncle Sal provides us a new unit of measure for getting weapons systems done. The length of WWII for the U.S. .... as a unit of measure.

Perhaps we need a new measurement - one that provides context. We need one defined in American terms, natch, and I have an idea.

I've used it before; the time from the attack on Pearl Harbor to the signing ceremony on the Mighty Mo.

That is 07DEC41 to 02SEP45. 3-years, 8-months, 26 days. Including the end date, that is 1,366 days. We shall now make that a measure of time. It will be called a WorldWar.

The F-35 from contract award? I am being kind by not including the JSF program, JAST, CALF etc.

Awarded: 26 October 2001.

4930 days.

That folks... is a "WorldWar" factor of 3.6.

We could have fought World War II, 3.6 times up until today. And, that worthless F-35 effort which will deliver an obsolete and faulty aircraft is nowhere near done.

As an aside, what did we spend on all of WWII in 2015 dollars? $4.7 trillion.

All, very interesting.


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