Tuesday, January 5, 2016

How will Australia crew 8-12 submarines?

As one of the readers here pointed out, no word on how the entrenched defence bureaucracy intends to crew 8-10 boats.

These people don't appear to have a full grasp of all the issues.

This 2004-2005 video series on Collins crew life, is still valid. I recommend it.

Analysis: Look at the crewing needed to keep 3 boats deployed at any time. A blue and gold crew is not enough. Deployments of 6 months then a 6 month break and then another 6 months on deployment will not work for the family-friendly RAN.

If you have 3 boats on-duty at any one time it may require 9 crews. 3 crews in work up for deployment (combat readiness training): 6 month period. 3 crews on deployment: 6 month period. 3 crews in wind-down from deployment (which would include ancillary training). And, at least 1 more crew of subject matter experts running the training school, then of course you need some for RAN HQ postings. Finally, at least 1 more crew of manpower numbers going through initial submarine school.

Again, that is to keep 3 boats deployed as a national security minimum. 9 crews up allows for a peace-time level of national security. It will also work being able to surge a few more boats on a continuous basis in times of war. This should be written into both the Collins submarine replacement plan, and, the next Defence White Paper.

As of 10 years ago, the divorce-rate and other family issues were a big deal among crews.

Interesting as we would need proof that the human issues have been solved since then.

Or, just park most of these new boats for show during peace-time, and war.


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